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NIS2: A Closer Look

The Network and Information Systems Security Directive 2 (NIS2) is a European Union (EU) regulation aimed at strengthening cybersecurity across various sectors. It’s a successor to the original NIS Directive, which was introduced in 2016.

Why was NIS2 introduced?

The primary objective of NIS2 is to enhance the cybersecurity resilience of essential services within the EU. This is crucial to protect critical infrastructure, maintain economic stability, and safeguard citizens’ interests. Recognizing the increasing sophistication of cyber threats, NIS2 aims to:


  • Harmonize cybersecurity requirements: Establish common standards across different EU member states.
  • Raise the bar for cybersecurity: Impose stricter requirements on organizations to protect their systems and data.
  • Improve incident reporting: Enhance the process of reporting and responding to cybersecurity incidents.
  • Foster cooperation: Encourage cooperation between public and private sectors in addressing cyber threats.

In essence, NIS2 seeks to create a more secure digital landscape in Europe.

NIS2: Key Requirements and Affected Industries

Specific Requirements of NIS2

NIS2 imposes a range of cybersecurity obligations on designated entities within the EU. These requirements include:


  • Risk Assessment: Conducting regular risk assessments to identify and address vulnerabilities.
  • Incident Reporting: Mandatory reporting of significant cybersecurity incidents to authorities.
  • Business Continuity Management: Developing and implementing plans to ensure continuity of essential services.
  • Security Measures: Implementing appropriate technical and organizational security measures to protect systems and data.
  • Cooperation: Collaborating with other organizations and authorities to address cybersecurity threats.
  • Staff Training: Ensuring that employees have adequate cybersecurity training.


Industries Affected by NIS2

NIS2 applies to a wide range of essential sectors within the EU. These include:



Energy: Electricity, gas, oil, and district heating

  • Transport: Railways, road transport, inland waterways, maritime transport, and air transport
  • Banking: Financial services and banking
  • Healthcare: Healthcare services and infrastructure
  • Digital infrastructure: Electronic communications networks and services
  • Water: Drinking water and wastewater
  • Manufacturing: Critical manufacturing sectors


It’s important to note that the specific requirements may vary depending on the size and nature of the organization.

NIS2 and the Consequences of Non-Compliance

NIS2 is a strict regulation with significant consequences for non-compliance. These include:

  • Financial Penalties: Organizations that fail to comply with NIS2 can face substantial fines.
  • Reputational Damage: Non-compliance can damage an organization’s reputation and erode customer trust.
  • Competitive Disadvantage: Falling behind in cybersecurity can put organizations at a competitive disadvantage.
  • Operational Disruption: Cyberattacks and data breaches can lead to significant operational disruptions.


To ensure compliance, organizations must invest in robust cybersecurity measures, develop effective incident response plans, and stay updated on the latest regulatory requirements.


For more information visit our NIS2 page.

If your organization falls under the NIS2 directive, speak to the Cristie Data team who can provide expert advice on data protection and solutions design for more Cyber Recovery.

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