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Cyber ​​Resilience: Why a backup is no longer enough

In the latest CIO Coffee Break, Christof Gedig, CTO at Cristie Data, shares insights and provides a simple checklist to help identify potential cyber resilience gaps and areas for action.

Backups have traditionally been seen as the ultimate safeguard against data loss. However, in today's world, relying solely on backups is no longer sufficient. Cybercriminals are continually developing new methods to compromise backups, making enhanced protection a necessity. How can IT managers determine if their company’s backup strategy needs improvement?

Cristie Cyber Recovery powered by Rubrik®

prevents recovery disasters by solving three main problems.
Immutability & Access Protection for Backups.
Continuous analysis of backups for malware with modern cyber forensics, with efficient cleansing of backup data.
Ensuring rapid recovery of critical workloads after any ransomware attack.

Cristie Cyber Recovery - Your all-in-one solution for data, ransomware, and disaster recovery!

Discover the complete solution from Cristie Cyber Recovery powered by Rubrik® - Your answer to data, ransomware, and disaster recovery requirements, with a unique Zero-Trust data protection platform and flexible usage model.

To learn more, register to attend our informal CIO events:

Save the Data Workshops

Take part in a workshop with Rubrik and Cristie to experience what happens behind the scenes during a ransomware attack and what you could do if you were faced with a similar situation.

Cristie Data & Arctic Wolf CIO Security Breakfasts

“SOC as a Service” in the fight against cyber-attacks. Join us as experts from the Arctic Wolf and Cristie Data dive into the world of next generation cybersecurity and learn how to protect your business from cyber-attacks with Security Operations as-a-Service (SOC).


Contact the Cristie Data team today for a FREE no-obligation Cristie Cloud Backup and windCORES sizing and cost saving report

Cyber Attacks in Germany Since January 2022: Studies on Cybercrime and Cyber Threats.

Since January 2022, cyber attacks in Germany have increased. Studies on cybercrime and cyber threats emphasize the importance of a balanced allocation between cyber security investments and potential damages.

The NIST Framework, consisting of the elements IDENTIFY, PROTECT, DETECT, RESPOND, and RECOVER, places equal priorities on strengthening cyber resilience. However, reality shows that protection against the impacts of cyber attacks is often insufficient. While securing the infrastructure is crucial, focusing solely on "prevention" is not enough.

It is recommended to also prioritize the phases of DETECT, RESPOND, and RECOVER. Companies that pay ransom usually have up-to-date network and endpoint security solutions. Additionally, reports emphasize that 73% of ransomware-affected companies possess encrypted backup copies. The most common cyber attack is the "Denial-of-Data" (DoD) attack, particularly through ransomware. These are financially motivated attacks that threaten control over one's own data.

Cyber attacks have now become the driving force for data recovery, and it is recommended to implement best practices such as using an immutable file system and air gaps for backup data. Known vulnerabilities in backup data should also be continuously monitored. Compliance with NIST security standards as well as the automation of playbooks are crucial for an effective response to emergencies and an accelerated recovery after an attack.

NIST security standards, such as modern data backup, encryption, detection, risk assessment, and recovery testing, are key components for data resilience and security.

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Understanding LTO-9 Tape Technology – Whitepaper

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Auf dem Weg zur intelligenten Welt – Whitepaper

Da neue Technologien wie 5G, IoT, Cloud Computing und Big Data in der digitalen Transformation eingesetzt werden, bewegt sich die IT-Architektur von Unternehmen in Richtung eines hybriden Frameworks aus „traditioneller IT + privater Cloud + öffentlicher Cloud + Edge“.

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Zero Trust Data Security for Dummies

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