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Data Management solutions to reduce complexity and free your data.

Prepare your Data Management Infrastructure for the future.

Enterprises are struggling to manage more data, across more storage silos than ever before, very often trapped by legacy data management systems. Cristie Data can give you back control of your data within multi-vendor and multi-protocol storage environments.

Cristie Data combine decades of Data Management expertise with leading solutions to ensure that data is your most valuable asset.

We work with the latest storage management technologies designed to make it easy to globally manage all files across otherwise incompatible multi-vendor storage silos. Whether you are looking to simply improve data storage efficiency to save costs and increase performance, or grappling with Exabyte scale archives and beyond, we can help. We leverage advanced metadata-driven technologies from innovative vendors to enable intelligent data management across local, network, tape, and cloud storage.

Learn how Huawei OceanStor storage provided a New Hierarchical Storage Management System (HSM) the German Climate Computing Center.

Learn more about Huawei OceanStor storage for High-Performance computing (HPC) and High-Performance Data Analytics (HPDA).

Are you suffering from vendor lock-in?

Speak to our team to hear how we give organizations global visibility, search, and control of their files across all storage resources, while delivering valuable data insights with real-time analytics and reporting.

Benefits of selecting Criste Data for your Data Management needs.

The Data Management problems we can solve are wide ranging, these are some of the common benefits of the solutions we deploy:


Simplify management of data across otherwise incompatible multi-vendor storage silos.


Combine low-cost LTFS tape in a seamless fabric with flash, disk, and cloud.


Highly available configurations, with no single point of failure.


Air-Gap Replication to help protect against Ransomware.


Metadata-driven Data Management providing visibility, search, and control of all files across all storage resources.


Automatic migration of data to the most cost efficient storage based on data usage patterns.

The Data Management technologies we use.

The growth of unstructured data is inevitable across all industries. The problem is that as data grows, so do storage costs. The result is IT organizations must manage data across multi-vendor storage silos more than ever before. Cristie Data focus on solutions that combine cross-platform data management with policy-based storage resource management tools. Advanced metadata-driven technologies enable intelligent data management across flash, disk, cloud, and tape storage at any scale.

Learn how our partnership with PoINT Software & Systems provides innovative solutions for data migration, archive, replication and HSM using all available mass storage technologies, including cloud and object storage, hard disk, magnetic tape and optical.


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Schauen Sie sich das DORA Video an

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Watch the Spectra Tape Video

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Schauen Sie sich das NIS2 Directive Video an

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Save the Data - Event Registrierung

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Teilnahme nach Verfügbarkeit.

Arctic Wolf - Security Breakfast

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Teilnahme nach Verfügbarkeit.

Arctic Wolf - Security Breakfast Event

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Participation subject to availability.

eBook: Transform Your Business with Mature Data Management

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Understanding LTO-9 Tape Technology – Whitepaper

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Understanding LTO-9 Tape Technology – Whitepaper

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Contact Info

Nordring 53-55, 63843 Niedernberg,
An der Burg 6, 33154 Salzkotten,

Monatliches Angebot für Cloud-Schutz anfordern

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Auf dem Weg zur intelligenten Welt – Whitepaper

Da neue Technologien wie 5G, IoT, Cloud Computing und Big Data in der digitalen Transformation eingesetzt werden, bewegt sich die IT-Architektur von Unternehmen in Richtung eines hybriden Frameworks aus „traditioneller IT + privater Cloud + öffentlicher Cloud + Edge“.

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Striding Towards the Intelligent World – White Paper

As new technologies, such as 5G, IoT, cloud computing, and big data, are being applied in digital transformation, enterprise IT architecture is moving towards a hybrid framework of “traditional IT + private cloud + public cloud + edge”. This report provides an in-depth outlook on the development of the data storage industry.

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Zero Trust Data Security for Dummies

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