Migration Services

Cristie Migration Services (CMS) is an individually configured service package that helps you migrate from one environment to another.
Ready to modernize? Start your migration journey with Cristie Migration Services.

The heart of every migration is our Cristie CloneManager®

With our unique “Dissimilar Environment” technology, we can migrate your complete systems to physical, cloud or virtual environments. After an initial replication of all data, changes are then incrementally synchronized. In this way, you can still work with both the old and the new system without interruption or loss of performance. Data encryption can be activated for migration, this prevents the loss of confidential information on the migration route.

Cristie Migration Services

Your data’s journey, made easy.
Platform independent
Data leak prevention
Smart migration
Migration in any direction
How does CMS Work?
In the run-up to the migration, the data (e.g. Networker Save Sets) that are to be migrated to the new target system are identified. The process of migration is based on the principle of recovery. Parallel streams make the migration process as efficient as possible. Any file that is restored is written directly to the new environments memory. This saves important memory resources. Data from the system to be replaced is still available for restore requests during the migration period. Data that should not be migrated to the new system can be moved directly to the long-term archive.

Cristie Data Services Suite

Cristie offers a suite of IT solutions designed to protect, manage, and optimize your data and infrastructure.
NIS2-Icon-Digitale Infrastruktur
Professional Services
Professional ServicesaOur Multi-level SLAs and modular service options ensure that your IT infrastructure is always available.
Migration Services
With our unique “Dissimilar Environment” technology, we can migrate your complete systems to physical, cloud or virtual.
Tape Services
Are you planning to replace an old tape library? Do you need a new tape system as part of a project?
Secure Deletion
Cristie offers BSI compliant media destruction in accordance with ISO 66399.
NIS2-Icon-Post- und Kurierdienste
Email Archiving
The storage space required by business e-mails increases between four and ten percent annually.

Contact Info

Nordring 53-55, 63843 Niedernberg,
An der Burg 6, 33154 Salzkotten,

it-sa 2024
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CMT24 - Registrierung
Cristie Mopped Tour 2024

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Schauen Sie sich das DORA Video an

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Watch the Spectra Tape Video

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Schauen Sie sich das NIS2 Directive Video an

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Save the Data - Event Registrierung

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Arctic Wolf - Security Breakfast

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Arctic Wolf - Security Breakfast Event

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Participation subject to availability.

eBook: Transform Your Business with Mature Data Management

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Understanding LTO-9 Tape Technology – Whitepaper

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Understanding LTO-9 Tape Technology – Whitepaper

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Nordring 53-55,
63843 Niedernberg,

Monatliches Angebot für Cloud-Schutz anfordern

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*Sie können die Anzahl der zugewiesenen Lizenzen in Microsoft 365 ermitteln, indem Sie zur Seite Microsoft 365 Admin center > Billing > Licenses navigieren.

** Die folgenden Abonnements werden von Cristie Cloud Backup für Google Workspace nicht berechnet:
Google Voice Starter (SKU ID: 1010330003)
Google Voice Standard (SKU ID: 1010330004)
Google Voice Premier (SKU ID: 1010330002)

Auf dem Weg zur intelligenten Welt – Whitepaper

Da neue Technologien wie 5G, IoT, Cloud Computing und Big Data in der digitalen Transformation eingesetzt werden, bewegt sich die IT-Architektur von Unternehmen in Richtung eines hybriden Frameworks aus „traditioneller IT + privater Cloud + öffentlicher Cloud + Edge“.

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Striding Towards the Intelligent World – White Paper

As new technologies, such as 5G, IoT, cloud computing, and big data, are being applied in digital transformation, enterprise IT architecture is moving towards a hybrid framework of “traditional IT + private cloud + public cloud + edge”. This report provides an in-depth outlook on the development of the data storage industry.

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Zero Trust Data Security for Dummies

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