
Expect the Unexpected. Ransomware reaches all organizations.

No organization is exempt from cybercrime. Ransomware attacks reach the periphery of every organization daily. Network breaches are sometimes stopped by the investments in cybersecurity that have been set in place. Attacks based on social engineering such as phishing attempts and malicious file attachments may be prevented by vigilant employees. However, it only takes one breakthrough to signal an open door to cybercriminals who will then set out to bring your business operations to a halt and hold your data to ransom. Maintaining unbreakable defences and expert cybersecurity staff is a massive challenge for organizations, both in terms of capital investment, and the need to stay one step ahead of cybercriminals. Cristie Data has developed a new way for companies to solve this problem through provision of the very latest cybersecurity and data protection solutions, backed by 24/7 expert support, and delivered through a true pay-per-use OPEX model. We call this initiative READY by Cristie, since the world class solutions provided through this program ensure you are always ‘READY’ to recover from cybercrime.

READY by Cristie - The new way to beat cybercrime.

Cristie has been at the forefront of data protection for over 50 years and today partners with some of the world’s leading providers of cybersecurity, backup, and archive. The READY by Cristie initiative takes the cost and complexity out of these three core functions by allowing companies to Protect, Recover and Archive their data without massive capital investments in IT equipment, or the expertise required to support it. We achieve this in several ways. Firstly, our close technology partnerships and technical accreditations position us as experts ensuring that all your data protection needs are in safe hands. This foundation is coupled with an innovative business model which takes advantage of our access to volume software licencing, hosting services and equipment leasing, allowing us to provide world-class solutions through a true OPEX, pay-per-use, as-a-service model. Our economies of scale would not be accessible to companies looking to build these capabilities in isolation. It is this collaborative approach that makes the READY by Cristie initiative so unique. If you are struggling to maintain adequate cybersecurity defences, or to ensure your data is protected at all stages of its lifecycle, then the READY by Cristie initiative can take away that burden. You may not be able to stay one step ahead of cybercriminals alone, but Together We Can.

Data Protection, Recovery and Archive – the foundations of the READY initiative.

If your data is secure, your business is unstoppable. This basic philosophy underpins the solutions within the READY initiative. Data requires protection throughout its entire lifecycle, from the point of creation, while it is in transit, and when it is at rest. Today’s hybrid computing models place additional complexity on this task since data may be stored and accessed from multiple locations including on-site, hosted and cloud-based services. Cristie has selected to work with leading solution providers that can provide data protection, recovery, and archive, regardless of where your data resides. Our solutions portfolio can ensure that your applications, data, and networks are protected for when the unexpected happens. Cybercrime is not the only threat to your business; natural disasters can force entire data centres offline requiring immediate failover to a secondary location for your business operations to continue. The READY initiative ensures all bases are covered.

READY supports Green IT - not all data protection solutions are created equal.

READY is more than just an innovative business model. Green Information Technologies (Green IT) is also high on the agenda. Green IT sets out to reduce the environmental impacts associated with conventional Information Technologies (IT). Carbon neutrality is an important goal for organizations worldwide which means having a balance between emission and absorption such that business operations do not result in a net increase in CO2 emissions. Cristie has for several years pioneered the deployment of wind farm-based data centre solutions in Germany powered by sustainable energy through a close collaboration with windCORES. The Cristie Cyber Recovery Solution powered by Rubrik® is just one example of a zero-trust, scalable and clustered data protection solution which can be deployed in our carbon neutral windCORES data centre environment.

Learn more about the READY initiative and be prepared for the unexpected.

The READY initiative provides companies with access to leading solutions from Rubrik®, Cohesity®, AvePoint®, Arctic Wolf®, IBM® and windCORES® delivered in a true OEPX model and backed by Cristie Care Services. Visit our website to learn more about these services or contact our team for a bespoke illustration of how Cristie can drastically reduce your data protection costs and make your business unstoppable.

Contact Info

Nordring 53-55, 63843 Niedernberg,
An der Burg 6, 33154 Salzkotten,

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Schauen Sie sich das DORA Video an

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Watch the Spectra Tape Video

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Schauen Sie sich das NIS2 Directive Video an

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Save the Data - Event Registrierung

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Arctic Wolf - Security Breakfast

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Arctic Wolf - Security Breakfast Event

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eBook: Transform Your Business with Mature Data Management

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Understanding LTO-9 Tape Technology – Whitepaper

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Understanding LTO-9 Tape Technology – Whitepaper

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Nordring 53-55,
63843 Niedernberg,

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Auf dem Weg zur intelligenten Welt – Whitepaper

Da neue Technologien wie 5G, IoT, Cloud Computing und Big Data in der digitalen Transformation eingesetzt werden, bewegt sich die IT-Architektur von Unternehmen in Richtung eines hybriden Frameworks aus „traditioneller IT + privater Cloud + öffentlicher Cloud + Edge“.

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Striding Towards the Intelligent World – White Paper

As new technologies, such as 5G, IoT, cloud computing, and big data, are being applied in digital transformation, enterprise IT architecture is moving towards a hybrid framework of “traditional IT + private cloud + public cloud + edge”. This report provides an in-depth outlook on the development of the data storage industry.

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Zero Trust Data Security for Dummies

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