Vendor Spotlight

Quantum – Unlock the value of Data your most Critical Asset.

Data is living. It doesn’t only move in one direction or stay in one location. Some data requires high performance and easy access, other data needs to be archived for years or decades. Sometimes data moves back and forth on that continuum, gaining value at every turn, and being reprocessed and repurposed across the lifecycle. Quantum’s end-to-end AI-driven data platform enables you not only to store but enrich, protect, and archive your unstructured data across the entire lifecycle, securely and at scale, unlocking the value in your data to drive business forward.
Yesterday, data was simply stored and managed. Today, data is an essential differentiator. At Quantum, we believe it’s time to shift the focus from accumulating data to making it work much harder. It’s a new data reality that’s endlessly alive. It’s massively growing, widely distributed, unstructured, and it’s gaining value at every turn.

Why Cristie & Quantum?

Cristie Data is a Quantum Alliance PArtner with many successful customer projects installed throughout the DACH region. Our vast tape solutions expertise positions us as your go-to partner for all secondary storage and data archive requirements.
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Cristie has improved long term data retention for many customers utilizing the Quantum solutions portfolio.
Customers benefit from highly competent support resources provided at calculable monthly cost.
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Our engineers have vast Integration experience and the ability to solve data management challenges in complex environments.

LTO-9: Raising The Bar Again For Performance, Capacity, and Data Reliability . Technical Brief (PDF)

This technology brief provides a detailed description of technology improvements in LTO-9 tape drives and media which have increased capacity, performance, and reliability.

eBook: Transform Your Business with Mature Data Management.

Data is expanding at massive volumes and remains key to business growth, which means enterprise data management is top of mind. Quantum and ESG Research set out to survey IT professionals (73%) and business leaders (27%) in organizations with over one petabyte of unstructured data to learn about their data management challenges and to explore ways to address those challenges through a more mature data management strategy.

Download the full eBook, Transform Your Business with Mature Data Management, to learn about the key trends and challenges that emerged from the survey, in addition to answers to these questions:

  • – What hinders organizations from maximizing the value of their data?
  • – How has the recent surge in ransomware attacks added to data management complexity?
  • – What potential benefits are in store if they can overcome those hindrances?

Book a Quantum Demo

Whether you’re modernizing your archive infrastructure, deploying a collaborative environment for rich media workflows, or looking for better ways to visualize and manage your unstructured data assets, Quantum delivers software-defined solutions for the entire data lifecycle. Discover how you can capture, access, enrich, and protect your valuable data more efficiently and cost-effectively.
Schedule a virtual product demonstration for a deep dive on key product features, capabilities, and primary use cases; and to see our products in action.


Cristie Data solutions Suite

Cyber Security

Cristie Data can help you
with all aspects of cyber security

System Recovery

Cristie adds automation and fully auditable recovery tests that can be scheduled

Cloud Backup

Installation on-premises, at a centralized Data Centre or Remote/Branch Office

Data Management

Cristie Data can give you back control of your data within multi-vendor storage environments.

Cloud Protection

Whether it’s user error, an outage, or a ransomware attack — you need a backup!

Replication & Migration

CloneManager provides continuous replication and migration for your entire estate

Sustainable Backup

Sounds too good to be true right? This vision become a reality through our partnership with windCORES and Rubrik.

eBook: Transform Your Business with Mature Data Management

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Request a Quantum DEMO today!

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Contact Info

Nordring 53-55, 63843 Niedernberg,
An der Burg 6, 33154 Salzkotten,

it-sa 2024
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Cristie Mopped Tour 2024

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Schauen Sie sich das DORA Video an

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Watch the Spectra Tape Video

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Schauen Sie sich das NIS2 Directive Video an

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Save the Data - Event Registrierung

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Arctic Wolf - Security Breakfast

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Arctic Wolf - Security Breakfast Event

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Participation subject to availability.

Understanding LTO-9 Tape Technology – Whitepaper

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Understanding LTO-9 Tape Technology – Whitepaper

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Nordring 53-55,
63843 Niedernberg,

Monatliches Angebot für Cloud-Schutz anfordern

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Auf dem Weg zur intelligenten Welt – Whitepaper

Da neue Technologien wie 5G, IoT, Cloud Computing und Big Data in der digitalen Transformation eingesetzt werden, bewegt sich die IT-Architektur von Unternehmen in Richtung eines hybriden Frameworks aus „traditioneller IT + privater Cloud + öffentlicher Cloud + Edge“.

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Striding Towards the Intelligent World – White Paper

As new technologies, such as 5G, IoT, cloud computing, and big data, are being applied in digital transformation, enterprise IT architecture is moving towards a hybrid framework of “traditional IT + private cloud + public cloud + edge”. This report provides an in-depth outlook on the development of the data storage industry.

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Zero Trust Data Security for Dummies

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