
What pieces are missing from your DR plan? Part 2.

Cristie Data can help to solve the challenges of physical server recovery at scale. Our recovery software can seamlessly add automated full physical system recovery to leading backup solutions from Rubrik, Cohesity, Dell Technologies and IBM.

Do you have an adequate plan for physical system recovery?

Although virtual machines and cloud computing now dominate the enterprise computing landscape, physical machines are required to support the virtual environment and in many cases their power is required to support compute intensive or legacy applications. Unfortunately, many modern data backup solutions are focused only on the protection and recovery of virtual machines which leads many companies to lose sight of the importance of physical machine recovery. In the event of a cyberattack or disaster the recovery of physical machines will be the most time-consuming task and contributor to service downtime.

Cristie Software can greatly reduce downtime by removing manual intervention from physical system recovery.

The need for manual intervention and the lack of automation in the recovery of physical machines are key factors which pose incredible challenges with large scale server estates. Cristie recovery software overcomes these challenges with advanced automation features which approach the level of automation we have come to expect with virtual machines. In addition, our solution allows physical machines to be recovery to or from alternative virtual or cloud environments, or to dissimilar hardware without manual intervention.

Physical servers pose more challenges for recovery after an outage than virtual machines due to several fundamental factors:

1. Hardware Dependency

  • Physical Components: Physical servers rely on specific hardware (motherboard, CPU, RAM, hard drives, network cards, etc.). A failure in any of these components can bring down the entire server. Recovery requires sourcing replacement parts and physical repairs, leading to extended downtime.
  • Hardware Obsolescence: Older hardware may be difficult or impossible to replace, forcing a lengthy upgrade process.
  • Vendor Lock-in: You may be tied to specific hardware vendors, limiting flexibility, and increasing procurement delays.

2. Lack of Abstraction

  • Tied to the Operating System (OS): Physical servers have a tight coupling between the OS and the underlying hardware. Rebuilding requires installing and configuring the OS, drivers, and applications from scratch, adding complexity and time.
  • Lack of Portability: Physical servers are not easily moved between hardware platforms. Full recovery often requires replicating the exact hardware components and configuration.

3. Manual Processes

  • Physical Access: Recovery often involves manual intervention – someone needs to be physically present to address hardware issues, install components, or boot from recovery media. This adds delays, especially in remote data centers or situations with limited manpower.
  • Slower Rebuild Time: Manually reinstalling the OS, configuring settings, restoring data, and testing applications on a physical server is time-consuming and prone to errors.

In summary:

Physical servers are more difficult to recover after an outage due to their reliance on specific hardware, tight coupling with the OS, and the need for manual processes. Physical machines lack the abstraction, portability, and automation potential of virtual machines making them inherently more challenging to restore quickly in a disaster recovery scenario. Cristie provide bare machine recovery (BMR) solutions which work seamlessly with Rubrik, Cohesity, Dell Technologies and IBM backup environments, without the need for significant additional administrative overhead. Cristie CBMR software can also work as a standalone recovery solution if needed.

Where to Find More Information:

If you would be faced with the challenge of physical system recovery at scale following a cyberattack or other DR situation then contact the Cristie Data team to learn how we are helping other organizations solve the challenges of physical system recovery at scale. If you are already using a backup solution from Rubrik, Cohesity, Dell Technologies or IBM then our recovery software should be considered as a vital extension to your backup environment which could save hours if not days of downtime in the event of a disaster.

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Nordring 53-55, 63843 Niedernberg,
An der Burg 6, 33154 Salzkotten,

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